September 2022 Librarian Community Call | OpenCon

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-09-12


"While scholarly communication is a well-established subdiscipline within academic libraries and influences so many areas of librarianship, it’s not commonly addressed within LIS education. Lack of formal training may contribute to increased pressure to learn on the job, to burnout, and to elevated experiences of imposter syndrome. There are some understandable barriers to increasing LIS instruction on topics like open access, copyright and fair use, publishing and repositories, research data management, impact measurement, and open education; LIS programs can’t all teach everything, and some scholarly communications topics are relatively new. The issues are complex, they’re based in disciplinary practice, and they change rapidly. Hoping to address the gap in instruction and to provide field-based resources, Maria Bonn (UIUC), Will Cross (NC State), and Josh Bolick (KU) have led the development of the Scholarly Communication Notebook (SCN), a repository of community-designed open resources for teaching about scholarly communication and for doing scholarly communication work in libraries.  Join us on September 13 for a discussion with Maria, Will, and Josh. They'll provide a brief overview of the SCN, highlight some of the excellent contributions of our peers, answer your questions, and invite feedback and discussion. For additional background, attendees may be interested in checking out “OER resources to help equip growing field of scholcomm librarianship” by SPARC or “Taking a page from the Scholarly Communication Notebook to transform LIS education” from CNI Dec. 2021 (slides, recording)...."


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09/12/2022, 07:56

Date published:

09/12/2022, 03:56