Red de Investigación de Conocimiento Libre promove webinar sobre “Infraestruturas Abertas para a Ciência” | Sept 2021
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-09-22
Google translate: "...the Red de Investigación de Conocimiento Libre (Portuguese Free Knowledge Research Network) will host the webinar “Infraestructuras Abiertas para la Ciencia” (in Portuguese “Open Infrastructures for Science”). The event will be at 20:00 (Brazilian time), with live broadcast on the Free Knowledge Research Network page on Youtube. It is not necessary to register for the debate. The event will be attended by Bianca Amaro, general coordinator of Research and Maintenance of Consolidated Products at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) and president of the Latin American Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications (LA Referencia) ; and Juan Pablo Alperín, professor at Simon Fraser University and researcher on the main topic of the webinar. During the event, guests will discuss the new challenges related to open infrastructures for science and how to make the right to science effective...."