5th National Open Science Forum in Hungary – NI4OS- Europe | 4 November 2022
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-11-04
"...On October 25th, an online forum was held focusing on Hungarian Open Science practices. First, János Mohácsi (KIFÜ) welcomed all 50 participants and shared news on EOSC. In his presentation he covered topics like the corporate design development of EOSC, Open Science monitoring and surveys, and he introduced the EOSC Forum to the audience. He also summarized the outputs of the EOSC General Assembly that was held earlier this year. He ended his presentation with a future outlook for the next few years. Next, Judit Fazekas-Paragh drew focus to the global Open Access Week that celebrates climate justice this year, then she summarized the results of the EOSC Regional Conference, highlighting its role in the practical use of the services provided by the project. Furthermore, she talked about the EOSC-SRIA, detailing the New ways of Science section...."