Everyday Donors of Color: Diverse Philanthropy During Times of Change | report, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy | 2021
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-01-21
Summary: "...This report frst identifes primary motivations for diverse donors’ giving, especially during the pandemic, through a systematic literature review. Next, as survey data were analyzed, it is clear that donors of color are increasingly making use of new technology, like crowdfunding sites, to invest in their communities—and often specifcally in support of racial and social justice causes. Third, the report presents insights gleaned through a series of focus groups with diverse donors. Finally, this report highlights the role of mutual aid groups in helping diverse communities during the pandemic.
The fndings in this report highlight the importance of developing a more inclusive set of philanthropic practices for organizations in the aftermath of the pandemic. For instance, nonprofts can increase their success with building meaningful engagement with communities of color. To enhance success, organizations must demonstrate their support for communities of color so that they can build trust and confdence. A lack of trust and confdence may explain why many donors of color choose to self-organize to help each other in more efcient ways such as giving circles. Therefore, another vital aspect of reaching diverse donors is to engage communities of color and provide transparency and accountability about their work and its overall impact. ..."