PALNI Joins NISO as Voting Member | February 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-03-02


"The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) recently became a voting member of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Through this membership, PALNI will play an integral role in advancing standards-based library infrastructure and innovation through collaboration with cultural, scientific, scholarly, and professional communities. As a voting member, PALNI will also have a voice in shaping NISO’s future direction by nominating and voting for members of the NISO board and other leadership positions, as well as serving on strategic committees. As part of the arrangement, PALNI’s 24 supported libraries have the opportunity to join the Library Standards Alliance (LSA) at a special rate. LSA membership allows the libraries to contribute to the development of information standards work, access NISO educational programs at reduced or no cost, and stay up to date with the many national and international standards activities that NISO is involved in...."


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Date tagged:

03/02/2023, 04:48

Date published:

03/01/2023, 23:48