Long-term Sustainability of PressForward | 2015/10/23

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-03-16


"...Alfred P. Sloan Foundation will generously fund a new, three-year phase of PressForward to ensure its long-term sustainability. The key deliverables of the grant are the launch of a dozen high-quality science publications and the continued refinement of the PressForward software to lower the barrier to entry for new research groups who want to create a collaborative publication. While “sustainability” is probably the most dreaded criterion of any grant application, it’s an area that I actually enjoy working on in its own right. At RRCHNM we’ve been fortunate to shepherd Zotero and Omeka through phases of grant funding that were explicitly intended to lay the foundation for the projects’ long-term viability, and we’ve also worked hard to establish an effective business model to keep those projects running and growing indefinitely, on their own steam...."




03/16/2023, 05:17

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_ab's bookmarks


projects funding sustainability

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03/16/2023, 09:17

Date published:

10/23/2015, 05:17