A day in the life of the arXiv admin team | arXiv blog, January 19, 2018

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-03-24


"The arXiv administrator team handles the 500-600 new article submissions that come into arXiv every day (double that on Mondays). When a user sends a paper to arXiv it goes through a series of checks to detect technical issues with the paper and also to make sure it meets our moderation standards. The administrators shepherd this process by responding to automated technical flags and communicating with our volunteer moderators who consider the classification and quality aspects of articles. We are also sending a constant stream of email to users in response to their questions or if we find issues with their papers. In addition to those new papers, we have 300-400 daily submissions that update existing papers, either for replacement versions, journal references, or withdrawal requests. Each of those types of submissions are also checked to make sure they are well formed and appropriate. Working on a system that has evolved over 25 years involves a workaround or two and different components working in parallel to complete some tasks. We jump from our user support email, to our submission discussion system used by moderators, to perl scripts for metadata and postscript fixes, to debugging LaTeX...."




03/24/2023, 04:57

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project ยป ioi_ab's bookmarks


arxiv maintenance repositories labour

Date tagged:

03/24/2023, 08:57

Date published:

03/24/2018, 04:57