FORCE2023 Keynote 4: Open Knowledge Network and Open Science | Chaitan Baru | 20 April 2023
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-11
"Speaker: Chaitan Baru, National Science Foundation (US). Abstract: Open access to shared information is essential for the development and evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-powered solutions needed to address the complex challenges facing the nation and the world. Data and information should be easy to find, access, and reuse. This talk will describe the open knowledge network (OKN)—an effort to develop an open information infrastructure based on an interconnected network of knowledge graphs that would serve as essential public-data infrastructure to facilitate integration of diverse information needed to develop solutions to a wide range of societal issues, from economic development to climate change to social equity. Knowledge graphs are an important type of knowledge structure to enable data integration. They consist of nodes and edges — where nodes represent real-world entities (e.g., a city, a neighborhood, a court case, a gene, a chemical compound), and edges represent different types of relationships among nodes. In February 2022, the National Science Foundation, in partnership with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, launched an OKN Innovation Sprint, which harnessed the collective insights of roughly 150 experts from government, industry, academia, and nonprofit organizations to help build a roadmap for a Prototype OKN (Proto-OKN), based on specific use cases and various end-user perspectives. The findings from this Sprint are summarized in the OKN Roadmap Report. Creation of OKN is fundamentally a sociotechnical effort, that must consider human, social and organizational factors, than merely a technical effort. Deep engagement is necessary among domain knowledge experts and a host of other stakeholders..."