Webinar: Top findings from the Tidelift 2023 state of the open source maintainer report | 18 May 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-08


"Yesterday, we announced our new state of the open source maintainer report which included eleven key headlines coming out of our new survey of over 300 open source maintainers. These maintainers responded with what they enjoy (and don’t enjoy so much) about being an open source maintainer, how they fund their work, their views on government and industry standards, and other compelling insights. There’s a lot to cover in the report, and on Thursday, May 18 at 3 p.m. ET, Tidelift CMO and resident data nerd Chris Grams will give the TL;DR and share the most interesting insights...."



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Date tagged:

05/08/2023, 04:50

Date published:

05/08/2023, 00:50