Now Hiring!. Open Source Science Program Manager | NumFOCUS | 11 April 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-22


"The primary role of the Open Source Science Program Manager is to connect open science stakeholders using and developing open source software through the NumFOCUS Open Source Science (OSSci) initiative. You will facilitate networking opportunities that bring together individuals from NumFOCUS projects, academia, government, and industry to collaborate on common goals. You will oversee the work of the OSSci Committee and serve on the Steering Committee. You will work closely with other NumFOCUS team members, including the event and marketing teams and the developer advocate, to promote building, using, and connecting open source software tools in science. You will generate attention and support by applying your technical knowledge, passion for open source science, and excellent communication skills...."


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Date tagged:

05/22/2023, 04:52

Date published:

05/22/2023, 00:52