2023 IEEE International Symposium on Open Source Science (OSS): July 2-8 in Chicago
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-22
"The inaugural IEEE Symposium on Open Source Science (OSS) is a dedicated platform to showcasing the impact of open-source technology on scientific advancements. It brings together experts from academia, research, and industry to discuss how open-source software is helping drive discoveries and breakthroughs in various scientific fields, including cybersecurity, material sciences, climate and sustainability, healthcare and life sciences, etc. The symposium will feature a plenary panel at the IEEE SERVICES 2023, distinguished speeches, panels, an OSS Expo of live demos, and OSS Awardee presentations. The presentations and discussions from the creators of these open-source technologies provide attendees with a unique opportunity to learn about their experiences and challenges. Join us to explore the vital role of open source in driving scientific progress. The inaugural IEEE OSS Expo is open to all registrants of the IEEE SERVICES event. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to provide on-site demos of their open-source data/software contributions at the Expo...."