veraPDF 1.24 Released - Open Preservation Foundation

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-06-30


"The Open Preservation Foundation is pleased to announce that the full veraPDF 1.24 release is out now! veraPDF is an open-source, industry-supported PDF/A validator and part of the OPF reference toolset....

veraPDF is an open-source PDF/A validator covering all parts of the PDF/A standards. Originally funded by the PREFORMA project, veraPDF has been sustained and maintained by the Open Preservation Foundation since 2017. Dual Lab provides active user support and carries out maintenance and bug fixes. The PDF Association’s PDF/A Technical Working Group continues in its role, resolving ambiguities arising from veraPDF’s usage in the field.

Support veraPDF. veraPDF is free to download, use and modify to meet your needs. However, there are ongoing costs to host and maintain it. If you use veraPDF, please consider supporting its development by becoming an OPF member or making a donation...."


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Date tagged:

06/30/2023, 09:02

Date published:

06/30/2023, 05:02