Detection Algorithms for Gastrointestinal Perforation Cases in the Medical Information Database Network (MID-NET()) in Japan

database[Title] 2024-04-25

Ther Innov Regul Sci. 2024 Apr 21. doi: 10.1007/s43441-024-00619-4. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: The Medical Information Database Network (MID-NET®) in Japan is a vast repository providing an essential pharmacovigilance tool. Gastrointestinal perforation (GIP) is a critical adverse drug event, yet no well-established GIP identification algorithm exists in MID-NET®.

METHODS: This study evaluated 12 identification algorithms by combining ICD-10 codes with GIP therapeutic procedures. Two sites contributed 200 inpatients with GIP-suggestive ICD-10 codes (100 inpatients each), while a third site contributed 165 inpatients with GIP-suggestive ICD-10 codes and antimicrobial prescriptions. The positive predictive values (PPVs) of the algorithms were determined, and the relative sensitivity (rSn) among the 165 inpatients at the third institution was evaluated.

RESULTS: A trade-off between PPV and rSn was observed. For instance, ICD-10 code-based definitions yielded PPVs of 59.5%, whereas ICD-10 codes with CT scan and antimicrobial information gave PPVs of 56.0% and an rSn of 97.0%, and ICD-10 codes with CT scan and antimicrobial information as well as three types of operation codes produced PPVs of 84.2% and an rSn of 24.2%. The same algorithms produced statistically significant differences in PPVs among the three institutions. Combining diagnostic and procedure codes improved the PPVs. The algorithm combining ICD-10 codes with CT scan and antimicrobial information and 80 different operation codes offered the optimal balance (PPV: 61.6%, rSn: 92.4%).

CONCLUSION: This study developed valuable GIP identification algorithms for MID-NET®, revealing the trade-offs between accuracy and sensitivity. The algorithm with the most reasonable balance was determined. These findings enhance pharmacovigilance efforts and facilitate further research to optimize adverse event detection algorithms.

PMID:38644459 | DOI:10.1007/s43441-024-00619-4