Epidemiology of congenital heart defects in France from 2013 to 2022 using the PMSI-MCO (French Medical Information System Program in Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics) database

database[Title] 2024-04-25


CONCLUSIONS: According to the PMSI-MCO database, the incidence of congenital heart defects in France from 2013 to 2022 is 1% of births. Congenital heart defects are more frequent in cases of prematurity, twinning, primiparity, male sex, and maternal age > 40 years.



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Gurvan Bourdon, Xavier Lenne, François Godart, Laurent Storme, Didier Theis, Damien Subtil, Amelie Bruandet, Thameur Rakza

Date tagged:

04/25/2024, 02:25

Date published:

04/16/2024, 06:00