scMoresDB: A comprehensive database of single-cell multi-omics data for human respiratory system

database[Title] 2024-04-25


The human respiratory system is a complex and important system that can suffer a variety of diseases. Single-cell sequencing technologies, applied in many respiratory disease studies, have enhanced our ability in characterizing molecular and phenotypic features at a single-cell resolution. The exponentially increasing data from these studies have consequently led to difficulties in data sharing and analysis. Here, we present scMoresDB, a single-cell multi-omics database platform with extensive...


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Kang Chen, Yutong Han, Yanni Wang, Dingli Zhou, Fanjie Wu, Wenhao Cai, Shikang Zheng, Qinyuan Xiao, Haiyue Zhang, Weizhong Li

Date tagged:

04/25/2024, 02:25

Date published:

04/15/2024, 06:00