The relationship between serum ferritin level and clinical outcomes in sepsis based on a large public database

database[Title] 2023-06-06


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between serum ferritin level and prognosis in sepsis. It also explored the potential prognostic value of serum ferritin for predicting outcomes in sepsis based on a large public database. Sepsis patients in MIMIC-IV database were included. Different models including crude model (adjusted for none), model I (adjusted for age and gender) and model II (adjusted for all potential confounders) were performed. Smooth fitting curves were constructed for...


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Liudang He, Cuirong Guo, Yingjie Su, Ning Ding

Date tagged:

06/06/2023, 02:41

Date published:

05/29/2023, 06:00