CDS-DB, an omnibus for patient-derived gene expression signatures induced by cancer treatment

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-24


Patient-derived gene expression signatures induced by cancer treatment, obtained from paired pre- and post-treatment clinical transcriptomes, can help reveal drug mechanisms of action (MOAs) in cancer patients and understand the molecular response mechanism of tumor sensitivity or resistance. Their integration and reuse may bring new insights. Paired pre- and post-treatment clinical transcriptomic data are rapidly accumulating. However, a lack of systematic collection makes data access,...


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Zhongyang Liu, Ruzhen Chen, Lele Yang, Jianzhou Jiang, Shurui Ma, Lanhui Chen, Mengqi He, Yichao Mao, Congcong Guo, Xiangya Kong, Xinlei Zhang, Yaning Qi, Fengsong Liu, Fuchu He, Dong Li

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 14:00

Date published:

10/27/2023, 06:00