Withdrawn 2.0-update on withdrawn drugs with pharmacovigilance data

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-28


One challenge in the development of novel drugs is their interaction with potential off-targets, which can cause unintended side-effects, that can lead to the subsequent withdrawal of approved drugs. At the same time, these off-targets may also present a chance for the repositioning of withdrawn drugs for new indications, which are potentially rare or more severe than the original indication and where certain adverse reactions may be avoidable or tolerable. To enable further insights into this...



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Kathleen Gallo, Andrean Goede, Oliver-Andreas Eckert, Bjoern-Oliver Gohlke, Robert Preissner

Date tagged:

04/28/2024, 09:09

Date published:

11/16/2023, 06:00