TE-TSS: an integrated data resource of human and mouse transposable element (TE)-derived transcription start site (TSS)

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-28


Transposable elements (TEs) are abundant in the genome and serve as crucial regulatory elements. Some TEs function as epigenetically regulated promoters, and these TE-derived transcription start sites (TSSs) play a crucial role in regulating genes associated with specific functions, such as cancer and embryogenesis. However, the lack of an accessible database that systematically gathers TE-derived TSS data is a current research gap. To address this, we established TE-TSS, an integrated data...



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Xiaobing Gu, Mingdong Wang, Xiao-Ou Zhang

Date tagged:

04/28/2024, 09:09

Date published:

11/13/2023, 06:00