VarCards2: an integrated genetic and clinical database for ACMG-AMP variant-interpretation guidelines in the human whole genome

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-28


VarCards, an online database, combines comprehensive variant- and gene-level annotation data to streamline genetic counselling for coding variants. Recognising the increasing clinical relevance of non-coding variations, there has been an accelerated development of bioinformatics tools dedicated to interpreting non-coding variations, including single-nucleotide variants and copy number variations. Regrettably, most tools remain as either locally installed databases or command-line tools dispersed...


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Zheng Wang, Guihu Zhao, Zhaopo Zhu, Yijing Wang, Xudong Xiang, Shiyu Zhang, Tengfei Luo, Qiao Zhou, Jian Qiu, Beisha Tang, Kun Xia, Bin Li, Jinchen Li

Date tagged:

04/28/2024, 09:09

Date published:

11/13/2023, 06:00