RefMetaPlant: a reference metabolome database for plants across five major phyla

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-28


Plants are unique with tremendous chemical diversity and metabolic complexity, which is highlighted by estimates that green plants collectively produce metabolites numbering in the millions. Plant metabolites play crucial roles in all aspects of plant biology, like growth, development, stress responses, etc. However, the lack of a reference metabolome for plants, and paucity of high-quality standard compound spectral libraries and related analytical tools, have hindered the discovery and...


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Han Shi, Xueting Wu, Yan Zhu, Tao Jiang, Zhengwei Wang, Xuetong Li, Jianju Liu, Yingxue Zhang, Feng Chen, Jinshan Gao, Xiaoyan Xu, Guoqing Zhang, Ning Xiao, Xianzhong Feng, Peng Zhang, Yongrui Wu, Aihong Li, Ping Chen, Xuan Li

Date tagged:

04/28/2024, 09:09

Date published:

11/12/2023, 06:00