CMAUP database update 2024: extended functional and association information of useful plants for biomedical research

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2024-04-28


Knowledge of the collective activities of individual plants together with the derived clinical effects and targeted disease associations is useful for plant-based biomedical research. To provide the information in complement to the established databases, we introduced a major update of CMAUP database, previously featured in NAR. This update includes (i) human transcriptomic changes overlapping with 1152 targets of 5765 individual plants, covering 74 diseases from 20 027 patient samples; (ii)...


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Dongyue Hou, Hanbo Lin, Yuhan Feng, Kaicheng Zhou, Xingxiu Li, Yuan Yang, Shuaiqi Wang, Xue Yang, Jiayu Wang, Hui Zhao, Xuyao Zhang, Jiajun Fan, SongLin Lu, Dan Wang, Lyuhan Zhu, Dianwen Ju, Yu Zong Chen, Xian Zeng

Date tagged:

04/28/2024, 09:09

Date published:

10/28/2023, 06:00