VDGE: a data repository of variation database for gene-edited animals across multiple species
(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2025-03-06
Nucleic Acids Res. 2025 Jan 6;53(D1):D1250-D1260. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae956.
Gene-edited animals are crucial for addressing fundamental questions in biology and medicine and hold promise for practical applications. In light of the rapid advancement of gene editing technologies over the past decade, a dramatically increased number of gene-edited animals have been generated. Genome editing at off-target sites can, however, introduce genomic variations, potentially leading to unintended functional consequences in these animals. So, there is an urgent need to systematically collect and collate these variations in gene-edited animals to aid data mining and integrative in-depth analyses. However, existing databases are currently insufficient to meet this need. Here, we present the Variation Database of Gene-Edited animals (VDGE, https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/vdge), the first open-access repository to present genomic variations and annotations in gene-edited animals, with a particular focus on larger animals such as monkeys. At present, VDGE houses 151 on-target mutations from 210 samples, and 115,710 variations identified from 107 gene-edited and wild-type animal trios through unified and standardized analysis and concurrently provides comprehensive annotation details for each variation, thus facilitating the assessment of their functional consequences and promoting mechanistic studies and practical applications for gene-edited animals.
PMID:39470732 | PMC:PMC11701559 | DOI:10.1093/nar/gkae956