MatrixDB 2024: an increased coverage of extracellular matrix interactions, a new Network Explorer and a new web interface
(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2025-03-07
Nucleic Acids Res. 2025 Jan 6;53(D1):D1677-D1682. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae1088.
MatrixDB, a member of the International Molecular Exchange consortium (IMEx), is a curated interaction database focused on interactions established by extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents including proteins, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans and ECM bioactive fragments. The architecture of MatrixDB was upgraded to ease interaction data export, allow versioning and programmatic access and ensure sustainability. The new version of the database includes more than twice the number of manually curated and experimentally-supported interactions. High-confidence predicted interactions were imported from the Integrated Interactions Database to increase the coverage of the ECM interactome. ECM and ECM-associated proteins of five species (human, murine, bovine, avian and zebrafish) were annotated with matrisome divisions and categories, which are used for computational analyses of ECM -omic datasets. Biological pathways from the Reactome Pathway Knowledgebase were also added to the biomolecule description. New transcriptomic and expanded proteomic datasets were imported in MatrixDB to generate cell- and tissue-specific ECM networks using the newly developed in-house Network Explorer integrated in the database. MatrixDB is freely available at
PMID:39558161 | PMC:PMC11701626 | DOI:10.1093/nar/gkae1088