RNAInter v4.0: RNA interactome repository with redefined confidence scoring system and improved accessibility

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2022-01-30


Establishing an RNA-associated interaction repository facilitates the system-level understanding of RNA functions. However, as these interactions are distributed throughout various resources, an essential prerequisite for effectively applying these data requires that they are deposited together and annotated with confidence scores. Hence, we have updated the RNA-associated interaction database RNAInter (RNA Interactome Database) to version 4.0, which is freely accessible at...



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Juanjuan Kang, Qiang Tang, Jun He, Le Li, Nianling Yang, Shuiyan Yu, Mengyao Wang, Yuchen Zhang, Jiahao Lin, Tianyu Cui, Yongfei Hu, Puwen Tan, Jun Cheng, Hailong Zheng, Dong Wang, Xi Su, Wei Chen, Yan Huang

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 16:48

Date published:

10/31/2021, 06:00