webTWAS: a resource for disease candidate susceptibility genes identified by transcriptome-wide association study

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2022-01-30


The development of transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) has enabled researchers to better identify and interpret causal genes in many diseases. However, there are currently no resources providing a comprehensive listing of gene-disease associations discovered by TWAS from published GWAS summary statistics. TWAS analyses are also difficult to conduct due to the complexity of TWAS software pipelines. To address these issues, we introduce a new resource called webTWAS, which integrates a...



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Chen Cao, Jianhua Wang, Devin Kwok, Feifei Cui, Zilong Zhang, Da Zhao, Mulin Jun Li, Quan Zou

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 16:48

Date published:

10/20/2021, 06:00