ONQUADRO: a database of experimentally determined quadruplex structures
(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2022-02-01
Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D253-D258. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1118.
ONQUADRO is an advanced database system that supports the study of the structures of canonical and non-canonical quadruplexes. It combines a relational database that collects comprehensive information on tetrads, quadruplexes, and G4-helices; programs to compute structure parameters and visualise the data; scripts for statistical analysis; automatic updates and newsletter modules; and a web application that provides a user interface. The database is a self-updating resource, with new information arriving once a week. The preliminary data are downloaded from the Protein Data Bank, processed, annotated, and completed. As of August 2021, ONQUADRO contains 1,661 tetrads, 518 quadruplexes, and 30 G4-helices found in 467 experimentally determined 3D structures of nucleic acids. Users can view and download their description: sequence, secondary structure (dot-bracket, classical diagram, arc diagram), tertiary structure (ball-and-stick, surface or vdw-ball model, layer diagram), planarity, twist, rise, chi angle (value and type), loop characteristics, strand directionality, metal ions, ONZ, and Webba da Silva classification (the latter by loop topology and tetrad combination), origin structure ID, assembly ID, experimental method, and molecule type. The database is freely available at https://onquadro.cs.put.poznan.pl/. It can be used on both desktop computers and mobile devices.
PMID:34986600 | PMC:PMC8728301 | DOI:10.1093/nar/gkab1118