VRprofile2: detection of antibiotic resistance-associated mobilome in bacterial pathogens

(database[TitleAbstract]) AND (Nucleic acids research[Journal]) 2022-09-26


VRprofile2 is an updated pipeline that rapidly identifies diverse mobile genetic elements in bacterial genome sequences. Compared with the previous version, three major improvements were made. First, the user-friendly visualization could aid users in investigating the antibiotic resistance gene cassettes in conjunction with various mobile elements in the multiple resistance region with mosaic structure. VRprofile2 could compare the predicted mobile elements to the collected known mobile elements...



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Meng Wang, Ying-Xian Goh, Cui Tai, Hui Wang, Zixin Deng, Hong-Yu Ou

Date tagged:

09/26/2022, 05:44

Date published:

05/07/2022, 06:00