The African Human Microbiome Portal: a public web portal of curated metagenomic metadata

Database (Oxford) 2024-04-24


There is growing evidence that comprehensive and harmonized metadata are fundamental for effective public data reusability. However, it is often challenging to extract accurate metadata from public repositories. Of particular concern is the metagenomic data related to African individuals, which often omit important information about the particular features of these populations. As part of a collaborative consortium, H3ABioNet, we created a web portal, namely the African Human Microbiome Portal...


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📚BioDBS Bibliography » Database (Oxford)



Anmol Kiran, Mariem Hanachi, Nihad Alsayed, Meriem Fassatoui, Ovokeraye H Oduaran, Imane Allali, Suresh Maslamoney, Ayton Meintjes, Lyndon Zass, Jorge Da Rocha, Rym Kefi, Alia Benkahla, Kais Ghedira, Sumir Panji, Nicola Mulder, Faisal M Fadlelmola, Oussema Souiai

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 09:22

Date published:

01/11/2024, 06:00