Artificial Intelligence-based database for prediction of protein structure and their alterations in ocular diseases

Database (Oxford) 2024-04-24


The aim of the study is to establish an online database for predicting protein structures altered in ocular diseases by Alphafold2 and RoseTTAFold algorithms. Totally, 726 genes of multiple ocular diseases were collected for protein structure prediction. Both Alphafold2 and RoseTTAFold algorithms were built locally using the open-source codebases. A dataset with 48 protein structures from Protein Data Bank (PDB) was adopted for algorithm set-up validation. A website was built to match ocular...


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Ling-Ping Cen, Tsz Kin Ng, Jie Ji, Jian-Wei Lin, Yao Yao, Rucui Yang, Geng Dong, Yingjie Cao, Chongbo Chen, Shi-Qi Yao, Wen-Ying Wang, Zijing Huang, Kunliang Qiu, Chi Pui Pang, Qingping Liu, Mingzhi Zhang

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 09:22

Date published:

12/18/2023, 06:00