OncoCTMiner: streamlining precision oncology trial matching via molecular profile analysis

Database (Oxford) 2024-04-24


By establishing omics sequencing of patient tumors as a crucial element in cancer treatment, the extensive implementation of precision oncology necessitates effective and prompt execution of clinical studies for approving molecular-targeted therapies. However, the substantial volume of patient sequencing data, combined with strict clinical trial criteria, increasingly complicates the process of matching patients to precision oncology studies. To streamline enrollment in these studies, we...



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Quan Xu, Yueyue Liu, Dawei Sun, Xiaoqian Huang, Feihong Li, JinCheng Zhai, Yang Li, Qiming Zhou, Niansong Qian, Beifang Niu

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 09:24

Date published:

11/07/2023, 06:00