PYK-SubstitutionOME: an integrated database containing allosteric coupling, ligand affinity and mutational, structural, pathological, bioinformatic and computational information about pyruvate kinase isozymes

Database (Oxford) 2024-04-24


Interpreting changes in patient genomes, understanding how viruses evolve and engineering novel protein function all depend on accurately predicting the functional outcomes that arise from amino acid substitutions. To that end, the development of first-generation prediction algorithms was guided by historic experimental datasets. However, these datasets were heavily biased toward substitutions at positions that have not changed much throughout evolution (i.e. conserved). Although newer datasets...


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Liskin Swint-Kruse, Larissa L Dougherty, Braelyn Page, Tiffany Wu, Pierce T O'Neil, Charulata B Prasannan, Cody Timmons, Qingling Tang, Daniel J Parente, Shwetha Sreenivasan, Todd Holyoak, Aron W Fenton

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 09:28

Date published:

05/12/2023, 06:00