The landscape of microRNA interaction annotation: analysis of three rare disorders as a case study

Database (Oxford) 2024-04-24


In recent years, a huge amount of data on ncRNA interactions has been described in scientific papers and databases. Although considerable effort has been made to annotate the available knowledge in public repositories, there are still significant discrepancies in how different resources capture and interpret data on ncRNA functional and physical associations. In the present paper, we present a collection of microRNA-mRNA interactions annotated from the scientific literature following recognized...


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Panni Simona, Kalpana Panneerselvam, Pablo Porras, Margaret Duesbury, Livia Perfetto, Luana Licata, Henning Hermjakob, Sandra Orchard

Date tagged:

04/24/2024, 21:54

Date published:

10/11/2023, 06:00