AthRiboNC: an Arabidopsis database for ncRNAs with coding potential revealed from ribosome profiling

Database (Oxford) 2025-01-13

Database (Oxford). 2024 Dec 17;2024:baae123. doi: 10.1093/database/baae123.


Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are traditionally considered incapable of encoding proteins, but new evidence suggests that small open reading frames (sORFs) within ncRNAs can actually encode biologically functional small peptides. Despite growing recognition of their importance, a systematic exploration of plant ncRNAs with coding potential has remained largely uncharted territory, especially in the context of their translational activities. By collecting and analyzing Ribo-Seq data from 226 Arabidopsis thaliana samples, we have integrated extensive information on Arabidopsis ncRNAs with coding potential and developed the AthRiboNC database, a novel and dedicated database that consolidates extensive information on ncRNAs with coding potential in Arabidopsis. AthRiboNC covers detailed information on 2743 long non-coding RNAs, 255 microRNAs, and 1871 circular RNA in Arabidopsis, along with 40 162 ORFs identified from these ncRNAs. The database also constructs co-expression networks for ncRNAs with coding potential, revealing correlations and potential biological function interpretations. With a commitment to accessibility and ease-of-use, AthRiboNC features a clear and intuitive interface. We hope that AthRiboNC will serve as a valuable resource for exploring the coding potential of plant ncRNAs. Database URL:

PMID:39689042 | PMC:PMC11651143 | DOI:10.1093/database/baae123