The text2term tool to map free-text descriptions of biomedical terms to ontologies

Database (Oxford) 2025-01-16


There is an ongoing need for scalable tools to aid researchers in both retrospective and prospective standardization of discrete entity types-such as disease names, cell types, or chemicals-that are used in metadata associated with biomedical data. When metadata are not well-structured or precise, the associated data are harder to find and are often burdensome to reuse, analyze, or integrate with other datasets due to the upfront curation effort required to make the data usable-typically through...


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📚BioDBS Bibliography » Database (Oxford)



Rafael S Gonçalves, Jason Payne, Amelia Tan, Carmen Benitez, Jamie Haddock, Robert Gentleman

Date tagged:

01/16/2025, 16:35

Date published:

11/28/2024, 06:00