scEccDNAdb: an integrated single-cell eccDNA resource for human and mouse

Database (Oxford) 2025-01-18

Database (Oxford). 2024 Dec 18;2024:baae126. doi: 10.1093/database/baae126.


Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA), an extrachromosomal circular structured DNA, is extensively found in eukaryotes. Investigating eccDNA at the single-cell level is crucial for understanding cellular heterogeneity, evolution, development, and specific cellular functions. However, high-throughput identification methods for single-cell eccDNA are complex, and the lack of mature, widely applicable technologies has resulted in limited resources. To address this gap, we built scEccDNAdb, a database based on single-cell whole-genome sequencing data. It contains 3 195 464 single-cell eccDNA entries from human and mouse samples, with annotations including oncogenes, typical enhancers, super-enhancers, CCCTC-binding factor-binding sites, single nucleotide polymorphisms, chromatin accessibility, expression quantitative trait loci, transcription factor binding sites, motifs, and structural variants. Additionally, it provides nine online analysis and visualization tools, which enable the creation of publication-quality figures through user-uploaded files. Overall, scEccDNAdb is a comprehensive database for analyzing single-cell eccDNA data across diverse cell types, tissues, and species. Database URL:

PMID:39693568 | PMC:PMC11654243 | DOI:10.1093/database/baae126