Automatic extraction of transcriptional regulatory interactions of bacteria from biomedical literature using a BERT-based approach

Database (Oxford) 2025-01-21


Transcriptional regulatory networks (TRNs) give a global view of the regulatory mechanisms of bacteria to respond to environmental signals. These networks are published in biological databases as a valuable resource for experimental and bioinformatics researchers. Despite the efforts to publish TRNs of diverse bacteria, many of them still lack one and many of the existing TRNs are incomplete. In addition, the manual extraction of information from biomedical literature ("literature curation") has...


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Alfredo Varela-Vega, Ali-Berenice Posada-Reyes, Carlos-Francisco Méndez-Cruz

Date tagged:

01/21/2025, 00:15

Date published:

08/30/2024, 06:00