DisGeNet: a disease-centric interaction database among diseases and various associated genes

Database (Oxford) 2025-03-10


The pathogenesis of complex diseases is intricately linked to various genes and network medicine has enhanced understanding of diseases. However, most network-based approaches ignore interactions mediated by noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) and most databases only focus on the association between genes and diseases. Based on the mentioned questions, we have developed DisGeNet, a database focuses not only on the disease-associated genes but also on the interactions among genes. Here, the associations...



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Yaxuan Hu, Xingli Guo, Yao Yun, Liang Lu, Xiaotai Huang, Songwei Jia

Date tagged:

03/10/2025, 09:08

Date published:

01/11/2025, 06:00