GMMID: genetically modified mice information database

Database (Oxford) 2025-03-12

Database (Oxford). 2024 Aug 19;2024:baae078. doi: 10.1093/database/baae078.


Genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) are vital for elucidating gene function and disease mechanisms. An overwhelming number of GEMM lines have been generated, but endeavors to collect and organize the information of these GEMMs are seriously lagging behind. Only a few databases are developed for the information of current GEMMs, and these databases lack biological descriptions of allele compositions, which poses a challenge for nonexperts in mouse genetics to interpret the genetic information of these mice. Moreover, these databases usually do not provide information on human diseases related to the GEMM, which hinders the dissemination of the insights the GEMM provides as a human disease model. To address these issues, we developed an algorithm to annotate all the allele compositions that have been reported with Python programming and have developed the genetically modified mice information database (GMMID;, a user-friendly database that integrates information on GEMMs and related diseases from various databases, including National Center for Biotechnology Information, Mouse Genome Informatics, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, and Jax lab. GMMID provides comprehensive genetic information on >70 055 alleles, 65 520 allele compositions, and ∼4000 diseases, along with biologically meaningful descriptions of alleles and allele combinations. Furthermore, it provides spatiotemporal visualization of anatomical tissues mentioned in these descriptions, shown alongside the allele compositions. Compared to existing mouse databases, GMMID considers the needs of researchers across different disciplines and presents obscure genetic information in an intuitive and easy-to-understand format. It facilitates users in obtaining complete genetic information more efficiently, making it an essential resource for cross-disciplinary researchers. Database URL:

PMID:39163546 | PMC:PMC11334936 | DOI:10.1093/database/baae078