Web tools to perform long non-coding RNAs analysis in oncology research
Database (Oxford) 2022-01-29
Database (Oxford). 2021 Jul 23;2021:baab047. doi: 10.1093/database/baab047.
Accumulated evidence suggests that the widely expressed long-non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in biogenesis. Some aberrant lncRNAs are closely related to pathological changes, for instance, in cancer. Both in tumorigenesis and cancer progression, depending on the interplay with cellular molecules, lncRNAs can modulate transcriptional interference, chromatin remodeling, post-translational regulation and protein modification, and further interfere with signaling pathways. Aiming to the diagnosis/ prognosis markers or potential therapeutical targets, it is important to figure out the specific mechanism and the tissue-specific expressing patterns of lncRNAs. Generally, the bioinformatics analysis is the first step. More and more in silico databases are increasing. But the existing integrative online platforms' functions are not only having their unique features but also share some common features, which may lead to a waste of time for researchers. Here, we reviewed these web tools according to the functions. For each database, we clarified the data source, analysis method and the evidence that the analysis result is derived from. This review also illustrated examples in practical use for a specific lncRNA by these web tools. It will provide convenience for researchers to quickly choose the appropriate bioinformatics web tools in oncology studies.
PMID:34296748 | PMC:PMC8299716 | DOI:10.1093/database/baab047