Challenges for FAIR-compliant description and comparison of crop phenotype data with standardized controlled vocabularies

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-30


Crop phenotypic data underpin many pre-breeding efforts to characterize variation within germplasm collections. Although there has been an increase in the global capacity for accumulating and comparing such data, a lack of consistency in the systematic description of metadata often limits integration and sharing. We therefore aimed to understand some of the challenges facing findable, accesible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) curation and annotation of phenotypic data from minor and...


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Liliana Andrés-Hernández, Razlin Azman Halimi, Ramil Mauleon, Sean Mayes, Abdul Baten, Graham J King

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 05:34

Date published:

05/15/2021, 06:00