HeartBioPortal2.0: new developments and updates for genetic ancestry and cardiometabolic quantitative traits in diverse human populations

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-30


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide for all genders and across most racial and ethnic groups. However, different races and ethnicities exhibit different rates of CVD and its related cardiorenal and metabolic comorbidities, suggesting differences in genetic predisposition and risk of onset, as well as socioeconomic and lifestyle factors (diet, exercise, etc.) that act upon an individual's unique underlying genetic background. Here, we present HeartBioPortal2.0, a...



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Bohdan B Khomtchouk, Christopher S Nelson, Kasra A Vand, Salvator Palmisano, Robert L Grossman

Date tagged:

01/30/2022, 14:39

Date published:

12/31/2020, 06:00