The Breeding Information Management System (BIMS): an online resource for crop breeding

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-31


In this era of big data, breeding programs are producing ever larger amounts of data. This necessitates access to efficient management systems to keep track of cross, performance, pedigree, geographical and image-based data, as well as genotyping data. In this article, we report the progress on the Breeding Information Management System (BIMS), a free, secure and online breeding management system that allows breeders to store, manage, archive and analyze their private breeding data. BIMS is the...


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Sook Jung, Taein Lee, Ksenija Gasic, B Todd Campbell, Jing Yu, Jodi Humann, Sushan Ru, Daniel Edge-Garza, Heidi Hough, Dorrie Main

Date tagged:

01/31/2022, 09:36

Date published:

08/20/2021, 06:00