HIR V2: a human interactome resource for the biological interpretation of differentially expressed genes via gene set linkage analysis

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-31


To facilitate biomedical studies of disease mechanisms, a high-quality interactome that connects functionally related genes is needed to help investigators formulate pathway hypotheses and to interpret the biological logic of a phenotype at the biological process level. Interactions in the updated version of the human interactome resource (HIR V2) were inferred from 36 mathematical characterizations of six types of data that suggest functional associations between genes. This update of the HIR...



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Wen-Ping Guo, Xiao-Bao Ding, Jie Jin, Hai-Bo Zhang, Qiao-Lei Yang, Peng-Cheng Chen, Heng Yao, L I Ruan, Yu-Tian Tao, Xin Chen

Date tagged:

01/31/2022, 14:24

Date published:

03/07/2021, 06:00