bc-GenExMiner 4.5: new mining module computes breast cancer differential gene expression analyses

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-31


'Breast cancer gene-expression miner' (bc-GenExMiner) is a breast cancer-associated web portal (http://bcgenex.ico.unicancer.fr). Here, we describe the development of a new statistical mining module, which permits several differential gene expression analyses, i.e. 'Expression' module. Sixty-two breast cancer cohorts and one healthy breast cohort with their corresponding clinicopathological information are included in bc-GenExMiner v4.5 version. Analyses are based on microarray or RNAseq...



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Pascal Jézéquel, Wilfried Gouraud, Fadoua Ben Azzouz, Catherine Guérin-Charbonnel, Philippe P Juin, Hamza Lasla, Mario Campone

Date tagged:

01/31/2022, 15:39

Date published:

02/18/2021, 06:00