iCAV: an integrative database of cancer-associated viruses

Database (Oxford) 2022-01-31


To date, various studies have found that the occurrence of cancer may be related to viral infections. Therefore, it is important to explore the relationship between viruses and diseases. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has defined six types of viruses as Class 1 human carcinogens, including Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus, human T-cell lymphotropic virus, human herpesvirus 8 and human papillomavirus, while Merkel cell polyomavirus is classified as...



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Bo Liu, Qingfeng Zhang, Jingou Wang, Shumin Cao, Zhiyuan Zhou, Ze-Xian Liu, Han Cheng

Date tagged:

01/31/2022, 23:49

Date published:

12/15/2021, 06:00