, an online platform for up-to-date classification and account of taxa of Botryosphaeriales

Database (Oxford) 2022-02-01


Fungi are eukaryotes that inhabit various ecosystems worldwide and have a decomposing effect that other organisms cannot replace. Fungi are divided into two main groups depending on how their sexual spores are formed, viz. Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. The members of Botryosphaeriales (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) are ubiquitous. They are pathogenic on a wide range of hosts, causing diverse diseases including dieback, canker, leaf spots and root rots and are also reported as saprobes and...


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N A Wu, Asha J Dissanayake, Ishara S Manawasinghe, Achala R Rathnayaka, Jian-Kui Liu, Alan J L Phillips, Itthayakorn Promputtha, Kevin D Hyde

Date tagged:

02/01/2022, 02:48

Date published:

10/15/2021, 06:00