The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits

Database (Oxford) 2022-02-01


Spiders are a highly diversified group of arthropods and play an important role in terrestrial ecosystems as ubiquitous predators, which makes them a suitable group to test a variety of eco-evolutionary hypotheses. For this purpose, knowledge of a diverse range of species traits is required. Until now, data on spider traits have been scattered across thousands of publications produced for over two centuries and written in diverse languages. To facilitate access to such data, we developed an...


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📚BioDBS Bibliography » Database (Oxford)



Stano Pekár, Jonas O Wolff, Ľudmila Černecká, Klaus Birkhofer, Stefano Mammola, Elizabeth C Lowe, Caroline S Fukushima, Marie E Herberstein, Adam Kučera, Bruno A Buzzatto, El Aziz Djoudi, Marc Domenech, Alison Vanesa Enciso, Yolanda M G Piñanez Espejo, Sara Febles, Luis F García, Thiago Gonçalves-Souza, Marco Isaia, Denis Lafage, Eva Líznarová, Nuria Macías-Hernández, Ivan Magalhães, Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte, Ondřej Michálek, Peter Michalik, Radek Michalko, Filippo Milano, Ana Munévar, Wolfgang Nentwig, Giuseppe Nicolosi, Christina J Painting, Julien Pétillon, Elena Piano, Kaïna Privet, Martín J Ramírez, Cândida Ramos, Milan Řezáč, Aurélien Ridel, Vlastimil Růžička, Irene Santos, Lenka Sentenská, Leilani Walker, Kaja Wierucka, Gustavo Andres Zurita, Pedro Cardoso

Date tagged:

02/01/2022, 02:48

Date published:

10/15/2021, 06:00