Functionathon: a manual data mining workflow to generate functional hypotheses for uncharacterized human proteins and its application by undergraduate students

Database (Oxford) 2022-02-01


About 10% of human proteins have no annotated function in protein knowledge bases. A workflow to generate hypotheses for the function of these uncharacterized proteins has been developed, based on predicted and experimental information on protein properties, interactions, tissular expression, subcellular localization, conservation in other organisms, as well as phenotypic data in mutant model organisms. This workflow has been applied to seven uncharacterized human proteins (C6orf118, C7orf25,...


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Paula Duek, Camille Mary, Monique Zahn-Zabal, Amos Bairoch, Lydie Lane

Date tagged:

02/01/2022, 02:48

Date published:

07/28/2021, 06:00