Web tools to perform long non-coding RNAs analysis in oncology research

Database (Oxford) 2022-02-01


Accumulated evidence suggests that the widely expressed long-non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are involved in biogenesis. Some aberrant lncRNAs are closely related to pathological changes, for instance, in cancer. Both in tumorigenesis and cancer progression, depending on the interplay with cellular molecules, lncRNAs can modulate transcriptional interference, chromatin remodeling, post-translational regulation and protein modification, and further interfere with signaling pathways. Aiming to the...



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Shixing Gu, Guangjie Zhang, Qin Si, Jiawen Dai, Zhen Song, Yingshuang Wang

Date tagged:

02/01/2022, 02:48

Date published:

07/23/2021, 06:00